With Aspen’s now in full swing for its summer season, travel PR agency Pilot PR is delighted to grab five minutes with Julia Theisen, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Aspen Chamber Resort Association. Originally from Minnesota, Julia has travelled the world, as well as lived and worked in London for four years. Five years ago, she visited Aspen and she never left.

1. Aspen is known as a glamorous, world-class ski resort, yet it’s also a great year round destination. What attracts visitors to Aspen during the summer season?
There are so many reasons to visit Aspen in summer – to get out in nature, enjoy outdoor recreation – hiking, biking, rafting; attend world class events like Food & Wine Classic in Aspen, Aspen Ideas Festival and other great arts, music and cultural offerings throughout the summer. And just to sit and enjoy great dining on one of our many outdoor patios and soaking up the Colorado sunshine.
2. How does one of the most prestigious resorts in the world manage to maintain its local character, charm and authenticity?
Aspen is a historic town with a storied past and many local characters that live and work in our community.
3. What encompasses your perfect day?
Relax with coffee and breakfast on my patio with views of Aspen Mountain, stroll the Saturday Farmer’s market for goodies, go for a hike in the afternoon and relax with friends for an al fresco dinner at one of our great restaurants.
4. What is your favourite outdoor activity?
5. What are your top three desert island albums?
Legend - Bob Marley
Graceland - Paul Simon,
Nick of Time - Bonnie Raitt
6. What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?
Moving to London for a new relationship without a work visa.
7. What was the biggest culture shock for you when you first moved to the UK?
Pub food – which has greatly improved in the last 20 years.
8. What do you miss most about living in London?
The feeling that you are truly in the centre of the world for travelling.
9. What books currently sit on your bedside table?
Thrive - Ariana Huffington
Wild - Cheryl Strayed
The Theory of Everything - Jane Hawking
10. Who or what inspires you?
Seeing the beauty that surrounds me every day.
11. What’s been your most adventurous holiday?
Canoeing down the Orange River in Namibia and sleeping on the river banks.
12. And finally…climbing up a mountain or skiing down it?
Definitely skiing down it!